Filing a Civil Lawsuit in California – Anatomy of a Lawsuit Part IV

This series applies to California lawsuits only. For rules related to lawsuits in any other state, visit the website for your state’s courts. This is a very broad overview. Multiple considerations must take place and detailed analysis goes into each step. Please consult a lawyer for help with your particular case. Below is an infographic chart with an overview on filing a civil lawsuit in California. This article discusses step one, the actual filing of a civil lawsuit. Before Filing a Civil Lawsuit There are some considerations before filing a civil lawsuit in California, such as figuring out 1) What is the Deadline to File a Lawsuit; and 2) Where to File a Lawsuit. I almost always recommend communicating with the other side and working together to find a win-win solution to a problem before going the civil lawsuit route. Sometimes you can do that yourself but other times you may need a California business lawyer or a civil litigation attorney to step in help you negotiate a solution. If that doesn’t work and you hit an impasse, you may have no … Continue reading