Breach of Contract in California

Breach of contract is likely the most common claim alleged in civil litigation cases. Contracts are the glue that holds our society together and we all enter into agreements (i.e. contracts) in one form or another on a daily basis. When the breach of that agreement results in injury, many look to the court system for a remedy. Here are a couple of the more memorable recent breach of contract cases include: Bill Cosby filed a breach of contract lawsuit against a woman who accused him of sexual misconduct, her mother, her lawyers, and the publisher of the National Enquirer. The lawsuit claims that they “disclosed information that they promised to keep secret” in return for a financial settlement. Donald Trump sued Jose Andres’s organization for breach of contract after the celebrity chef canceled his plans to open a restaurant in a Trump group building after Donald Trump’s comments on immigration. What is a contract? Simply said, “A contract is an agreement to do or not do a certain thing.” (Cal. Civ. Code § 1549.) The essential elements (parts) of a … Continue reading