Free Webinar: New California Employment Laws Going Into Effect in 2021 (some already have)

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Watch my FREE WEBINAR on-demand to learn about “New California Employment Laws Going Into Effect in 2021.”


As a California business owner or advisor, you may have been juggling the challenges of keeping the business afloat, keeping employees safe, and keeping updated on the new regulations that seem to appear every day.

To help with that last task, this webinar will address the new California employment laws that recently went into effect and/or will go into effect in 2021.

We will discuss the following issues:

– California Supplemental Paid Sick Leave
– Expansion of CFRA to employers with 5 or more employees
– Kin Care Law
– New AB5 Exemptions
– Minimum wage increases in 2021
– Additional tips for employers

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In: Employment Law, New Laws, Uncategorized

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